About one in four individuals with HHT develops abnormal
vessels in the lungs. These are called pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (
or PAVMS for short ). They let blood bypass or “shunt” past the lung airsacs.
As this blood does not receive oxygen, your oxygen levels drop, which can make
your lips appear blue, and as blood passing through PAVMs is not properly
filtered, mini-strokes can result. Occasionally, the fragile vessels my bleed
and make you cough up blood.
Because of these risks, which are present even if you
feel well, it is important to check whether or not you have PAVMs. If they
are present, we can arrange for you to have a relatively simple treatment to
close them off.
If you have, or think you have HHT, the best plan is to
discuss the matter with your GP. You need to be told the implications for you
and your family, and your GP may refer you to hospital for a check-up. As HHT
is a rare disorder and generally not well-covered in medical schools, it is
possible that your GP or hospital doctor will need further information which we
would be happy to provide. It is usually best if they write directly to us for
To screen you for PAVMs, your doctor(s) will ask some simple
questions about whether you are unduly short of breath, tired, or cough up
blood. They may look at your lips and hands, as some PAVM patients have a blue
tinge to their lips or a drumstick appearance of the fingertips. Additional
tests would be carried out at your local hospital. These would include a chest
X-ray, and a measurement of the oxygen level in your blood, particularly after
standing for ten minutes. Further tests will be undertaken if any of these
investigations give cause for concern.
PAVM screening is most important for anyone with HHT, but
all family members should be assessed. We recommend screening in adults, to be
repeated after five years. We also screen children, but this needs to be
repeated after puberty.
Pregnancy: Most women with HHT with or
without PAVMs have successful and uncomplicated pregnancies. However, a few
women with PAVMs have complications during pregnancy. We therefore recommend
that you consult a specialist so that you can be assessed, and if necessary
treated, before becoming pregnant.
If we suspect that PAVMs are present, you will be advised to
take antibiotics before any dental treatments or surgery – your GP will need to
treat you like a patient with abnormal heart valves.
The Hammersmith has special expertise in treating PAVMs – if
you screen positive, your doctor may contact us at this stage for further
Claire Sholvin Honorary
Consultant Respiratory Physician
Prof JMB
Hughes Emeritus Professor
of Thoracic Medicine
Dr James
Jackson Consultant in
Charge of Interventional Radiology
Hospital, Du Cane Road, London, W12 ONN
020-8383-4831 Fax:
Pamphlet was prepared and written by Dr. Claire Sholvin on behalf of the
Self Help Group, 39 Sunny Croft, Downley, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP13 5UQ,
Tel: 01494